Reiki Level 1 and II and III Classes

Reiki Level II Class

Saturday, December 12, 2015   

As a Level Two practitioner, you are attuned a second time, which exponentially increases the energy that flows through the heart and hands, making you an even more powerful healer. You will learn to draw some of the Reiki sacred symbols, how to do a manifestation grid using the symbols and how to do long distance healing. You will learn which symbols to use for emotional, physical, and even those that transcend time and space. We’ll also create a Reiki Box so you can add names of those others who want your help.

A Reiki II practitioner is considered a professional and can provide services to the public. Reiki II focuses on emotional, mental and karmic healing for the person who receives it. Learn more about Reiki II.

Haven’t yet completed Reiki I training?  Learn more about Reiki I.

Reiki I Classes

Call or e-mail for information Reiki I, II and III classes

The first degree of Reiki is the beginning of a wonderful journey filled with learning and growth on so many different levels. Many people find that the first degree is all they need to study and incorporate, to lead a more fulfilling life. While others, will continue their studies and progress onto the second degree and some to master/teacher degree.

The first degree connects the student to the Universal Life Force and gives them the tools to heal themselves, their family and others. Learn more.

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